Welcome to my Shop of Works and Wonders, through which I mean to offer an eccentric world of oddities, found magical items, stories, and a trail of crumbs -so you can find your way back again. All of these doorways are open at the moment. When I reach the point where I have too many people to walk with, I will hang a ‘back in five’ sign up on some of them. For now though, enter through any on either payment agreement. If you wish it your correspondence with me can be entirely sub rosa - meaning I will not share any of it with anyone else. This is part of my Magisterial word of honour, in the way we do things in my Witch House, and part of the rules when it comes to holding my Office. Here I extend this agreement to you also. Everyone may write me one good, meat and guts letter per Work, which I will reply to in detail. Remember to guide me as to what sort of reply you would like, as the questions and the responses are as much a part of the teaching process as the materials. I can just listen and acknowledge you, like a devil’s confession, or I can offer feedback, ask you questions, proffer advice. Contact me on ragsandboneman@gmail.com when the time is right for you. There is no time-frame to your journey, you might want to work for one week on the first piece of Work, and then work for months on the next. Time begins to become distorted and strange on the other side of the hedge…
A proper conversation (Face Time or Discord preferred) about the Work, whilst receiving a reading from me to help you dive deeper.
A conversation at a more gentlepersonly pace, with the same reading as the hour long session, except unpacked more slowly and leisurely.
This material is about the lives of witches touching on other witches, how and why we find each other. From discovering each other on the path, to dream-meshing, and team-dreaming, mythic embodiment of god-powers, mythic friendship, shared readings, to the mingling of serpent powers from among the spirits black, white, red, and green. This material allows you to consider the value of growing kinship and sorcerous mingling.
Put together the glorious monster of your completeness. Here I offer of research, coven material, and lived-experience that is not under oath. Here I offer people a place to shed their skins, and like the Lindworm find their way through milk washes and scrubs of the deep psyche, to return to bed with the true beloved of their soul. I take them to the Bower of the Red Beast of the Rose Queen, through the dark corpse roads of Folk Necromancy and along the Crooked Green Path.
The rider upon the red serpent beast calls you, to follow Her to the Bower, where her midnight garden of hidden joys resides. The Mysteries of the Rose Queen are largely secret and sacred, but there are some outer petals of her ways that can enhance sex, love, and most importantly sex with spirits. Come with us to the Oasis and meet the glory you hold inside.
I've lived in a world where wells, springs, hills, and standing stones hold part of our soul-story, where folk healing is about intimate communion with Place. Where Ghost Roads are still known and travelled, where the boundary between Place and the ancestors is barely non-existent, but I also know what it’s like to be standing on kunanyi in Van Diemen's Land with all her sorrows in a sack to sort through. Alienation from Place is an ill we all face, and in healing it we heal ourselves.